Saturday, June 25, 2011

Twingle's first day at our home

Twingle is an eight year old grey tabby with a strikingly beautiful face and big hazel eyes. I remember when she first got back to Kitty kind after losing her home, a very sad story. Of course Twingle didn't like one bit to be back after such a long time and right away became very defensive. I used to dread cleaning her every Friday, most weeks all we were able to do for her was get her food, fresh water and a clean litter box.
On Wednesday, after receiving Janette's email, I decided that I could and wanted to do more for the cats, I've been a cleaner at Kitty kind for about two years, and volunteered to foster a cat. The fostering process moved along very fast, Janette put me in contact with Miriam and my husband and I met with  her today at Petco. We decided to take advantage of the fact that we don't have any pets of our own and take in a more "challenging" cat. Miriam suggested Twingle, to give her a cage break and also for the need that kk has to accurately assess her personality.
I brought Twingle home this afternoon with the intention to set her up in our half bath to decompress and let her spend there her first day at our home. I felt sorry about giving her such limited space and decided to make our second bedroom hers for the day; complete with a nice litter box, food and a couch for her to use as a bed. I set everything up before letting her out of her carrier and then freed her to explore her new quarters on her own.
About an hour later I didn't resist and came back for a first visit. To  my surprise I was welcomed by a different cat bumping the head into my legs demanding to be petted. She only hissed at me once when I got too comfortable and decided to play with her tail.
Later in the evening I came back for a second visit and took some nice pictures of her.
My hope is that Twingle will  thrive at our home and come back to Petco a different cat, making it possible for her to finally find her forever home.


  1. A beautiful girl with faraway eyes.
    Behind them a heart broken by a home forever lost.
    God Bless You for showing her someone cares.
    God Bless Her with the love she deserves.

  2. I really wish she liked other cats. I like a feisty cat.

  3. OMG!!!!! Thank you so much for this Twingle update!!! I'm a Sunday cleaner, and I was surprised that she was gone. Sad for me, but happy for her. She really needed to get out of that cage.

  4. Thank you for being so nice to Twingle. She's a special lady and you will make a difference to her! So glad to see this blog!!
